Day 7 - Bogota

It was a beautiful sunny day when we started our tour of the city and stayed that way.

The Andes mountain range run from Chile in the South right up through the western Latin American countries.  When they reach Colombia, they fan out into 3 ranges.  Bogota is situated on a high plateau between 2 of these mountain ranges.

In the heavy traffic we noticed a high number of electric scooters on the roads.  Many people of all ages use them to get through the heavy traffic.  We saw men in suit and tie speeding along on one of these.

Scooter on Bogotas roads

We first were taken up into the mountains.  After a high climb in the coach we then took an extremely steep funicular railway up to Monserrate mountain where we had spectacular views all over Bogota.

The original funicular car

View of 2 largest tower blocks in Bogota and colourful university student buildings
taken from the funicular

Exiting the tunnel

Path at top of Monserrate

View to the south of Bogota

View to Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe

We did a circular walk up to the Church on top of the mountain at which point we were 3,200 m above sea level and finding ourselves quite breathless.  The mountain is very important to the people of Bogota for religious reasons.  Every Easter thousands make their way to the mountain top, queuing for hours to get on a cable car or funicular.  Some walk and others will walk on their hands and knees as it is believed that this will allow their sins to be forgiven.

Monserrate Church

View over Bogota from Monserrate Church

Path down from Church to Cable Car

One of many religious statues

We were then taken to the Gold Museum where there are thousands of exhibits of gold items that were not found and removed by the Spanish during colonialization times.  Most of these items were found in tombs along with other artefacts that the indigenous people believed were necessary to help the deceased in the afterlife.

Street Sellers.  Apparently these are ants with big backsides that are roasted and eaten.  None of our group
 bought any but it did give us a bit of a laugh.

Earrings found in tombs

The most precious exhibit.  This was one of 2 found in Colombia.  The first was sold to Germany 
but was lost when the boat caught fire.  This is the only one to remain.

We then went to Le Candelaria district which has lots of old colonial buildings and cobbled streets.  Here we did a walking tour starting at the Botero museum where we saw more sculptures and artwork from Fernando Botero.

Colonial buildings

La Candeleria Basílica Menor de Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria

Courtyard in museum complex

Botero's Oranges painting

Botero's Earthquake painting

Botero's Bird statue

Paul with statue of sphere made of bricks

In Plaza de Bolivar, the most important square in Bogota, there are many important buildings including The Catedral Primada (main Cathedral), Palace of Justice, The Capitolio Nacional (where congress sits) and The Alcaldia (City Hall).  There were thousands of pigeons and it seems they actually encourage them by selling bird food.

Street Sellers in street leading to Plaza de Bolivar

The Alcaldia (City Hall)

The Catedral Primada

The Presidential Palace

The Presidential Palace main gate

Behind the Capitolio Nacional is the Presidential Palace.  It is heavily guarded and we were not allowed to walk on the pavement nearest the boundary but we still got some very good views of the entrance and side.

We returned to the hotel at about 4.00 - it took over an hour to do 9 kms due to the ridiculously heavy traffic.

We had a quick coffee back at the hotel and then went for a walk around Chico Park.  This was formerly the grounds and gardens of a large house that was owned by a lady (Mercedes Sierra de Perez) who was unable to have children.  She asked that her grounds be turned into a park and play area for children when she passed away.  This was done and the outer boundary of the park has walls and turrets to make it look like a castle.  Her former house is now a museum about her life and her good works.

Turrets at boundary of Chico Park

Museum in Chico Park

Chico Park

Chico Park


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